Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I'm currently working on a new piece. I've done some preliminary sketches. The basic premise is the human cog and how odd it seems that a cog is happy...content to do its job. So, I have a happy cog. The cog fits into the machine that makes the world. The cog does not see what it produces, only those outside the machine can see that. To the cog it does not matter. To be useful matters. To keep turning is important.
The form of the final piece will include several prints of the stamp I'm carving in an artist carving block (from Moocarve?). The basic sketch follows:

The final piece will be done on 18"x 24" cold-pressed watercolor paper. I'll do various pre- and post-production work in the form of creating a background for the prints. I may apply some inks over the prints.

The inspiration comes from various sources, primarily the feelings of frustration and manipulation that I have felt, especially in times past (not as much at this point--but perhaps this is my naivete speaking). This feeling was captured well in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, and therefore I borrow some of the imagery from one of his insightful films for this piece.

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