Sunday, April 29, 2012

Still here. Visited Seattle.

I am still painting. There is a juried competition soon. I'm working on completing (fingers crossed) three pieces for submission. I'm almost done with one and I've mentally completed about 75% of another. I'll post pictures as soon as they're finished. All three involve burlap and my methods of layering paint. I'm enjoying planning them in my head. Now it's a matter of finding the time...

On a side note, I visited Seattle recently and toured a few of the galleries near the Pioneer Square area. I started with the Punch gallery and made my way through about four others. In each gallery sat the artist whose pictures hung on the walls. In each gallery it was me, the artist and their work. There were no other people visiting the galleries this Saturday. It was like each artist was waiting to have a conversation with me about their work, their background, their process, and my work as well. In fact, four of the five took the time to really converse with me. I can see myself in these rooms, my work on these walls.

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